Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm hangin' in there, don't you see...

Someone someone talk to me
Someone someone set me free
Tell me nothing's really wrong
Tell someone's not still gone
Someone someone help me out
Grab my paws, my claws, my snout
Lift the powdered poison cake
Trick the monsters and the hate
Someone someone I'm still here
My world is dark, my thoughts aren't clear
Creepers loom once they've attacked
And I fear I'm being tracked
Someone someone I'm so scared
My legs won't walk I've been impaired
Like there's something in my head
Sane's a sense I lost instead
Crazy nights and crazy days
There's no light in drunken haze
But is it drink or is this drugs?
Lions! and Tigers! and Bears! and Bugs!
Someone someone time is quick
Pull me up out of this trick
Everything's so fuck fuck FUCK
I'm so FUCK I'm giving UP


  1. I liek this post. I'm really not sure what to say but i wanted to let you know I liked it.

  2. Oh, thank you. That does actually mean a lot to me. :)
