Friday, April 16, 2010


'5 wanderers were travelling together, looking for somewhere to live'. They settle in a dark cave, each of them content because the shadows hide their deepest darkest secrets. Together, they hunt, they play. They live with and support each other; like family. No lying.
But suddenly more wanderers stumble in, lost in modern-day socirty. They are easily welcomed into the makeshift family, and all their faults are accepted.
And then... the arguments start. "Oh, well you're not really this, you haven't really done that; you're LYING!"
Not to blame anyone, but no one fought before more wanderers joined. Sh, but that's a secret, too.
But then people start getting hurt; they start hurting themselves, because of it. And then.all.hell.breaks lose.
"Liar Liar Pants on Fire Burning on your FUCKED UP wire!" and "Roses are red, Violets are blue, I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE! and I don't believe you."
Things start to get personal and people start digging up flaws and secrets from the dark cavern shadows. Everything, The whole cave itself, is unstable.
Suddenly, walls start caving in. Rubble corrupts the air and makes it hard to breathing. Everyone's complaining, but they keep prodding and digging. And
And people
And nothing makes sense anymore, because the sun's not shining. The clouds of shit block it out. And then someone digs in the wrong shadow, and a volcano erupts; one that'll keep on spitting out haze for weeks.
So certain wanderers leave home and family, only to fend for themselves, somewhere distand and cold. But that was their choice.
They left, so they are forgotten. And they ATTEMPT to go home and be happy again... but they've been replaced and forgotten. Original wanderer or not, they're barely tolerated, if anything. Ignore and forgotten.
So they leave again, shamed. Hating themselves.
Being hated.
They leave, keep wandering, alone. They're just going further and further out. They're getting themselves

Then they find themselves alone, disoriented, exhausted. Their feet hurt from walking. Their lungs, from breathing. So they sit down and look around.
Everything hurts; they can't move anymore. Can't keep going. Sure, it's dark (but it's not) and cold, and they're starving...being alone. But they can't move.
"Here," they think.
"Here is nowhere, and I'm stuck."

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