Tuesday, June 22, 2010

And sometimes I like fucking things up, but everything I do has reason behind it

Everything becomes sucha chore when you have lists and lists of things to do.
But listing everything makes it easier to recognize just how much you have to do, and that's better for you, because then you know that you're going to be dead-tired and able to fall asleep that night.

I don't make lists. 
But everything is a chore, because I have to do it.

That's why I love optional things. I have a choice, I could walk away. 
If I wanted, if I cared for it, if I decided it was worth the bother. 

Now, the thing is, I only talk to the people that are worth my words. 
And that sounds conceded, but it's the truth. I only invest my time, my words, wisely. 

No wasting, because that's dumb.

I like to think of life as optional, too. It's a game, and I can play if I want to. 

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