Friday, June 18, 2010

Safety in solidity, but we're going to go down

Within the freedom of anonymity, there is a safety there was not before.
Within the binds of titles and labels, there is knowing and judgement, and reasoning
and justifications.

Within everything, there is some contradictory, opposite thing, that has the most unwanted result for that existence.
I am happy, so I will be sad.
I am smiling, so I will frown.
I am flying, so I will fall.
I am short, but I will be tall.

We know, don't we, to expect the worst?
When we see happiness, we know. When we see smiling, we know. When we see flying, and shortness, and everything, we know.
We know it's going to change, going to be completely not the favourable result.
Completely not what we were going for, but we knew it was going to happen anyway.

Why bother trying to get around that fact?
It's inevitable.
Accept it, and everything will be so much easier.

Accept that when you are happy, soon you will feel like you're rotting inside and no one else can see it.
When you feel warm and delicious, you will soon feel cold and bitter and altogether

Lightness turns heavy,
and the heavy turn light.

We all get exactly what we don't want, even if we're going for what we don't want, to get what we do want.
It always turns out the same. It always does, so fuck it, yeah?

Just fall, it's really not a big deal.
Just jump, because why bother flying in the first place anyway?
Stay low, and the fall won't hurt so much.
Stay low, and everything will be solid.
Solid, safety, and we're good.

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