Saturday, June 5, 2010

I'll pursue other'll be fine.

"I want you to be happy."

As I type the words, I realize her happiness isn't with mine. My gorgeous little girl loves this idiot with all her heart,
and maybe,
I don't think,
he loves her back.

But I love her,
I want her...
I lovelovelove her.

And she doesn't love me back.

Tears come to my eyes, swelling up, small. They sort of trickle down and rest in the curves of my face, slipping down the edge of my nose. I feel them catch on my lip, pause.
They fall fast, past my lips and to my chin, from which they drop silently onto my lap.
Once the course of their journey is done, I wipe my eyes and continue to type.

"We can track him down, and sort it out. We'll fix it. We'll figure it all out, okay? I just want you to be happy."

Even if that's not with me.

Which, knowing what I know, probably isn't.

But all I want is her happiness.
I know that's love, because I'll do anything to make her smile.
Anything, even if that's dropping everything and walking away.

I'll let her go.
I'll leave her be.

I don't care, I just want her to be happy.

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