Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Break even

You ever felt so insecure that you 
sat alone, staring at your hands
and picking at your fingernails?
Ever felt so lost that you didn't even try
to figure out where you where, even 
though you had a map with you?
Ever felt so disoriented, that you stumbled
out of bed and fell flat on your face?

I have, 
and I haven't.

The possibilities are infinite, but do they
divide evenly between positive
and negative?

I'm wondering. 


  1. Equality is a funny thing. When there's up, there's down, hot and cold, black and white, fucked and fine.

    Everything is balanced.

    The question is, I guess, if you can be both at the same time. And if so, is that a good thing or not? It's neither. It's either.

    It's life.
