Saturday, July 24, 2010

Cross my heart, hope to die. Stick a needle in my eye.

Stick the needle in my eye
This will hold it off tonight
Crying out in fear, not pain
Searching for the cause at blame.
Knuckles bruised and bloodied in
Tiny cuts and tiny sins
Each ring sounding off a sound
FUCKING FLYING; hit the ground.
Nails too long to grab a hold
Get the shivers when it's not cold
Tell them things are going well
Seems that's just why I fell
To the bottom, I am stuck
Too banged in, all fucked up.
That's just landing, broken in
hit glass sheets much too thin

Crossed my heart and I went blind
I was running out of time
Couldn't eat, couldn't try
All I could, was hope to die.