Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I made cookies.

I don't know what to do tomorrow. Oh, I mean today. Technically, I mean today.

I'll take my brother to camp, and then...just hang around the city the rest of the day? It's going to be HOT out. Too hot for whatever it is I'm going to wear.
Yesterday, when I dropped my brother off, his camp counsellor, Emily (who was previously my camp counsellor for years, and years) said, "I don't know how you're going to survive in jeans, man. It's sweltering."
She, herself, was sporting a pair of short-shorts.

I just nodded. I didn't know either. We moved on, talking about summer, until some more parents came up and started pestering her about their child's allergies. From behind her over-sized sunglasses, she gave me the "help me" look.
I don't know why I've always made friends with older people.
Younger people just...aren't really my type, I guess. As friends.

But getting to the point, or back to it, or whatever...
I'm going to get lost tomorrow.
Or actually, maybe I'll just ride the subway all day.

That's exactly what I'll do tomorrow.