Thursday, July 1, 2010


If you think about it, everyone's hiding something. Obviously, anyway.
Some people are more obvious about it, and some people hide it better than others.
But everyone is pretending, putting on a mask at some point, and walking down the street, out of the house, into their cages, like nothing is wrong.

At some point, we've all lied. We've all said we're fine when really, something is bothering us.
We've all pretended to be tired because we didn't feel like explaining why we're upset.
We've all done it, so it's not a big deal, right?

And anyway, if everyone jumps off a cliff, it's a perfectly good reason to jump off yourself.

Boring ranting whatever.
But it's whatever.

I've been thinking what I'm going to say when my soul-mate moves back. What I'm going to tell her. What I'm going to hide.

You know, but all this thinking has convinced me that I shouldn't say anything.
I'll hug her, tell her I've missed her, and go on like she never left...
But I won't tell her what I really want to tell her.

And if she asks, I'll just say no.
I'll say it's fine, cool, perfect, and I'm just tired.

It'll be fine.

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