Saturday, March 20, 2010


We're pages in books that don't get opened, sitting on shelves that don't get looked at, in libraries where people forget to go.
We're words hidden deeply, submerged in sentences and paragraphs, on those same pages covered in dust.

Although... there is those days when people find us, hidden and dusty, alone. And they glance at us, taking in the picture. And we scream, trying to give them our message, rushing and throwing words out stupidly, because we've been alone for so, so long...
But we scare them off, and they close us.
And they move on.
And we watch, dumbly, as they walk out.
And that's it.
That's enough.
Maybe we don't have anything to say, ever. Maybe it doesn't matter.
Maybe... maybe we'll shut up, and they'll want to know what we've got to say... but TOO BAD! They left. They walked on, leaving us here. They didn't want to hear us.
They never have.
So it's their fault.

And now we're quiet, because we're true to our words.
Silence, for all those who never heard our noise.

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